Delays in settlement of Roundup cancer claims enter second year. Thousands of cancer claims have been pending against Roundup manufacturer Monsanto for several years. As the litigation has worked its way through the courts, Plaintiffs have complied with discovery requirements and produced medical records and proof of usage of Roundup.
Pre-Pandemic Early Reason for Optimism
Cancer patients had been waiting years for a potential breakthrough in lawsuit settlement negotiations with Monsanto. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients finally became optimistic that settlement could be near when bellwether trials returned huge verdicts in favor of Roundup users.
However, when the Coronavirus pandemic struck the United States in March 2020, Roundup settlement negotiations stalled.
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Reasons for Roundup Settlement Delay
The Roundup settlement delay can be attributed to a significant slowdown in the court’s litigation calendar due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, the courts stopped seating juries for new trials. As such, Plaintiff’s temporarily lost a key point of leverage in their cases.
Financial Matters Delay Claim Resolution
Moreover, delays in settling Roundup claims could be linked to changes in financial planning considered by Monsanto executives. While the company previously had certain funds available to pay a certain amount of claims, this may have changed over time.
For example, certain funds or financing options may no longer be available or may have become more costly.
Addition of New Roundup Settlement Claims
In addition, the Roundup settlement delay has provided more time for additional cancer patients to file claims. Further. Roundup users continue to be diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma and are adding their claims to the multi-district litigation. As such, resolution of claims may become more costly for Monsanto or affiliated companies.
For more information on the Roundup settlement delay, click here.
Therefore, if you or a loved on were expecting a compensation offer from corporate defendants in the Roundup litigation, settlement may be delayed another year.
Specifically, the delay in settling Roundup claims has broken into calendar year 2021, without a clear resolution at hand for many cancer victims.