How does Coronavirus effect Roundup lawsuits pending in court?
The novel Coronavirus has stalled the economy and caused untold losses for businesses worldwide. In addition, the virus has lead to courthouse closures across the United States. Law firms representing both Plaintiffs and Defendants have also been slowed by transition to working from home.
Accordingly, the Coronavirus has had the effect of delaying the multi-district litigation pending against Monsanto has been delayed. The lawsuit pertains to the allegedly cancer causing chemical glyphosate, which is the active ingredient in Roundup weedkiller.
Moreover, Coronavirus and COVID-19 have caused complex and unknown financial challenges. Due to financial uncertain in the marketplace, and coupled with the cost of potential Roundup settlement payments, Monsanto / Bayer faces the prospect of bankruptcy.
A Roundup bankruptcy filing would likely further delay a resolution of the matter. However, a bankruptcy would also be expected to provide for an orderly distribution of Monsanto’s assets.

How does Coronavirus effect Roundup lawsuits settlements?
While the Coronavirus has caused a delay in the Roundup litigation, this delay may benefit some people. If you or a loved on were diagnosed with non-hodgkin lymphoma after use of Roundup weedkiller, some additional time may be available for filing a claim. As such, you should contact an attorney without delay.
Indeed, the number of Roundup victims filing compensation claims has recently risen to over 52,000 people and is expected to continue to climb.
Bayer’s financials have shown a loss for the year. This has rattled investors and caused them to question confidence in their chief executive officer.
Nevertheless, demand has remained strong for certain Bayer farming products including insecticides and fungicides. This is attributed to steady and rising global food needs.
Our Roundup lawsuit attorneys represent cancer victims in claims for financial compensation. Contact us today for a free claim evaluation.